Egypt's Ka-52 Nile Crocodiles Get a Deadly Upgrade with Vikhr Anti-Tank Missiles

Egypt's fleet of Ka-52 Nile Crocodile attack helicopters has received a significant upgrade with the integration of Vikhr anti-tank missiles. The Vikhr missiles are capable of hitting targets at ranges of up to 12 kilometers, making them a formidable threat to enemy armor.

The integration of the Vikhr missiles was announced by the Egyptian Air Force in a statement on January 15, 2024. The statement said that the integration was completed as part of a comprehensive modernization program for the Ka-52 fleet.

The Vikhr missiles are a Russian-made, laser-guided anti-tank missile. They are equipped with a tandem HEAT warhead that can penetrate up to 1,000 millimeters of armor. The missiles are also capable of engaging moving targets.

The integration of the Vikhr missiles significantly enhances the capabilities of the Ka-52 Nile Crocodile. The missiles provide the helicopters with a long-range, accurate, and powerful anti-tank capability. This capability will be a valuable asset for the Egyptian Air Force in a variety of missions, including ground attack, air defense, and anti-ship warfare.

The integration of the Vikhr missiles is a sign of Egypt's commitment to modernizing its military. The missiles will help to strengthen Egypt's air power and deter potential threats.

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