Yellow Ocean Mystery: F-16's Mid-Flight Emergency Resolved

A US Discuss Constrain F-16 fighter fly slammed within the Yellow Ocean whereas flying in South Korean airspace. The pilot was protected.

A US F-16 warrior fly slammed into the ocean off South Korea's west coast on Wednesday and its pilot was protected lively, a US Discuss Constrain unit positioned in South Korea said, stamping the moment F-16 crash within the nation in a month.

The unit's explanation expressed that the F-16 Battling Bird of prey alloted to the 8th Warrior Wing experienced an "in-flight crisis" over the ocean and smashed. It was expressed that the pilot, who cleared out the plane securely in an discharge situate and was protected approximately an hour afterward, was cognizant and exchanged to a therapeutic office for assessment.

8th Warrior Wing Commander Col. Matthew Gaetke expressed gratitude toward the South Korean protect group for working with US troops in protecting the pilot and said the center presently was on finding the plane and getting it out of the ocean. The city of Gunsan on the west coast of South Korea is domestic to one of the two primary discuss bases utilized by the US military in South Korea.

In December, another F-16 smashed amid a routine training flight and the pilot was protected. As of late, the number of mishaps recorded in US military discuss operations based in South Korea and Japan has expanded. 

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