Sweden's Defense Materiel Administration (FMV) has placed a fresh order for LITENING 5 targeting pods from Saab. These pods will be integrated into the nation's Gripen fighter jet fleet, enhancing its targeting capabilities. The $36 million deal encompasses not just the pods themselves but also a comprehensive spare parts and maintenance package.

This procurement marks an expansion from the previous deployment of LITENING pods solely on the Gripen E jets. The latest acquisition signifies an upgrade for the Gripen C/D variant as well.

LITENING 5 pods are renowned for their precision targeting functionalities. They achieve this through a combination of laser observation and target tracking technologies.

"By establishing a robust sustainment capability for this targeting pod variant, Saab is guaranteeing that the Swedish Armed Forces can maintain them within Sweden's borders," remarked Lars Tossman, Head of Saab's Aeronautics Business Area, in a company press release.

The Swedish Armed Forces are anticipated to receive these LITENING pods within the next two years, with deliveries scheduled for completion in 2026. This acquisition reinforces Sweden's commitment to equipping its air defense with cutting-edge technology.