Venezuela's Navy Deploys Iranian-Made Zulfiqar Speedboats to Intercept British Warship

Caracas, Venezuela - The Venezuelan Navy deployed a fleet of Zulfiqar speedboats, reportedly built by Iran, to intercept a British warship in the Caribbean Sea on Friday, January 5, 2024.

The British warship, HMS Defender, was sailing through international waters when it was approached by the Venezuelan speedboats. The Venezuelan boats reportedly fired warning shots at the British warship, but the British warship did not respond and continued on its course.

The incident sparked tensions between Venezuela and the United Kingdom. The British government condemned the Venezuelan action, calling it "unacceptable and unprofessional." The Venezuelan government defended its actions, saying that it was simply exercising its right to defend its territorial waters.

The Zulfiqar is a fast and maneuverable speedboat that is armed with machine guns and rocket launchers. It is a popular choice for naval forces in the Middle East and North Africa.

The deployment of the Zulfiqar speedboats by the Venezuelan Navy is a sign of the country's growing military ties with Iran. Venezuela has been receiving military assistance from Iran in recent years, including the delivery of weapons and training.

The incident between the Venezuelan and British warships is likely to further strain relations between the two countries. It is also a reminder of the growing tensions in the Caribbean Sea, which is a key shipping lane for oil and other commodities.

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