The British Service of Defense has formally concurred to get 14 unused Boeing CH-47ER Chinook helicopters, a move pointed at supporting the overwhelming transport capabilities of the Illustrious Discuss Constrain (RAF).

British Defense Secretary Allow Shapps affirmed the procurement on Thursday, stamping it as portion of the Chinook Capability Sustainment Program.

The UK has distributed a base budget of £1.5 billion (around 1.9 billion USD) for the program. Be that as it may, due to variables like expansion, remote trade rates, and other contemplations, the costs have raised.

In spite of the fact that the precise conveyance plan has not been made open, data given by the Defense Gear & Bolster segment of the Service of Defense recommends that beginning conveyances are expected in 2027, with the generation program anticipated to conclude in 2029.

These unused helicopters are expecting to supplant the maturing Chinook armada right now in benefit with the RAF. Of the first 60 Chinooks, roughly 51 stay operational, with a few of the more seasoned helicopters having as of now been resigned.